Filling the gaps in a client's financial plan
To be competitive in the ever-changing landscape of professional services, financial planners need to be as holistic as possible.
To be competitive in the ever-changing landscape of professional services, financial planners need to be as holistic as possible.
Audits plunge; new pricing survey; Mnuchin does Europe; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
The labor market has a long road ahead as businesses try to adjust to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The new format aims to showcase the IRS’s work in fiscal year 2019, along with an additional message about its response this year to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
IRS revamps annual data book to highlight new areas of importance
As small businesses in different parts of the country reopen in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, they are beginning to increase the number of hours worked by their employees, according to payroll giant Paychex, although spikes in the virus are threatening to set back those gains.
Small businesses start to reopen and add employee hours, Paychex finds
IDGT’s are particularly useful estate planning tools in a low-interest-rate environment.
When Joel Black succeeds David Vaudt as chair on July 1, none of the board’s seven members will have served as a state auditor or treasurer.
Incoming GASB chair’s lack of state audit experience prompts questions
The Internal Revenue Service won’t further delay the tax filing and payment deadline past July 15, despite requests to do so, the agency said Monday.
IRS says it will not extend tax filing deadline beyond July 15
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board voted during an online meeting last week to open a new standard-setting project to address single-use plastics and bio-alternatives in the chemicals and pulp and paper industries.
SASB opens new project to set standards for plastics reporting
National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins released her first report to Congress Monday, discussing some of the difficulties confronting taxpayers and the IRS during the COVID-19 pandemic.