What to tell clients who haven’t filed yet

The IRS has advice for tax clients who missed the April 18 deadline.

CAQ updates External Auditor Assessment Tool

The latest version accounts for upcoming changes in accounting standards and PCAOB rules.

Universities seek to defend endowments from Republican tax plans

Proposals to tax endowment income has many schools, and their lobbyists, concerned.

U.S. VC firm buys $26.4M stake in Xero

Technology Crossover Ventures has backed the likes of Facebook, Airbnb and Netflix.

5 ways to make more money with existing clients

Technology can and should be leveraged to optimize a firm’s best asset: Customer relationships.

FAF issues last call for PCC nominees

Nominations for the Private Company Council are due by April 24.

Did your tax season measure up?

Top firms carefully analyze their profitability. productivity, client satisfaction and more.

In the blogs: Insults to injuries

Avoiding double taxation; memorable marketing; the United mess; different kinds of returns; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.

The changing dynamics of tax reform

Whether it goes before health care or after, it’s likely to be much later in the year.

Today’s a great day to fire 'D' clients

Art Kuesel on the importance of taking stock following tax season.